Key concepts & vision
The SLAC SFA is investigating the mechanisms by which hydrological and biogeochemical processes couple in floodplains to understand their impact on groundwater quality. Accurate, observationally founded molecular-scale process understanding is essential for predicting changes in groundwater quality and floodplain subsurface functions over time and space in response to intensifying drought, warming soils, and more intense storm events. This program advances understanding of 3 key concepts:
Flow Events
Subsurface flow events (seasonal, daily, or episodic) activate biogeochemical reaction networks and trigger myriad molecular-scale microbial and geochemical responses.

Subsurface Nexuses
Subsurface interfaces are the nexus wherein flow and biogeochemical reactions couple to control floodplain groundwater quality.

Reactive transport modeling provides a path for predicting groundwater quality responses to long-term hydrological and temperature changes in the Earth system.