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Floodplain microorganisms with genes for making methane are found deeper in the sediments where oxygen is depleted while microorganisms that can consume methane are...

Floodplain microorganisms

Numerous  subsurface processes can promote fluid-rock interactions that can lead to the formation of small colloidal particles that are suspected to migrate through the...

Exposure of carbonate-rich rock to aqueous solution resulted in Fe mobilization and precipitation with trace metals such as Cr and Ni and the dislodgement of inert colloids such as silica.

Colloids can transport nutrients, contaminants, and organic matter throughout watersheds. Their persistence, reactivity and heterogeneous compositions renders them key contributors to biogeochemical reactions. We...

illustration of a ferrhydrite

Floodplain groundwater is a critical resource for human activities and ecosystems. It is however increasingly threatened by climate change. While the impact of climate...

Floodplain Aquifer

The chemical composition of groundwater is determined by complex chemical and biological processes occurring in the aquifer. An important factor in this regard are...

Schematic illustration of the export of microorganisms and organic carbon substrates from a fine-grained into the coarse-grained zone of an aquifer.
Soil organic matter controls Pb release during redox cycles in floodplain soils   Lead released from mineral phases during hydrologic redox cycles is retained...
Low and high water diagram of Pb-POM
  Export of carbon from organic-enriched lenses stimulates reducing conditions in oxic sandy aquifers, promoting redox cycling in high-flow zones. The Science Aquifers contain...
Fine-grained clay sediments rich in organic matter reduced iron and sulfur
  Noël, V.; Boye, K.; Kukkadapu, R. K.; Li, Q.; Bargar, J. R. Uranium storage mechanisms in wet-dry redox cycled sediments. Water Research.  Water...
Process model of each drought cycle
  Fine-grained sediments appear to host distinct microbial groups that are stimulated through water table rise and fall throughout the season The Science Microbial...
Spring wet season to summer dry season graph