Research Highlights
Noël, V.; Boye, K.; Kukkadapu, R. K.; Li, Q.; Bargar, J. R. Uranium storage mechanisms in wet-dry redox cycled sediments. Water Research. Water...

Fine-grained sediments appear to host distinct microbial groups that are stimulated through water table rise and fall throughout the season The Science Microbial...

Ammonia oxidation may be driven by archaea rather than bacteria within the riparian subsurface The Science Subsurface microbial communities mediate key biogeochemical transformations...

The Science Nanometer to micrometer sized mineral particles (often associated with organic carbon and often referred to as colloids) that remain suspended...

Sulfate-rich groundwater promote formation of thioarsenates at fine-coarse sediment interfaces and increases arsenic solubility The Science Groundwater contamination by As from natural and...