Research and Professional Experience

2019-PresentResearch AssociateSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, SSRL
2014-2019Postdoctoral ScholarSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, SSRL
2014Postdoctoral Scholar'Institut de physique du globe de Paris' (IPGP), University Paris VII



2011-2014Ph.D.University Pierre and Marie Currie
2008-2010M.S.University Pierre and Marie Curie
2005-2008B.S.Nantes University



Calendar Year 2021 Publications (including submitted manuscripts under review)

  1. Juillot F.; Noël V.; Gelabert A.; Jouvin D.; Louvat P.; Göttlicher J.; Belin S.; Mueller B.; Morin G.; Voegelin A. (2021) Zn isotopes and XAS speciation reveal past eutrophication events in continental sediments (Baldeggersee, Switzerland). Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta. Submitted
  2. Noël V., Kumar N., Boye K., Barragan L., Lezama-Pacheco J., Brown Jr. G.E, Bargar J.R. (2021) Response to the Comments of S. Pieffer on “FeS colloids – formation and mobilization pathways in natural waters” by Noël et al., Environ. Sci. Nano, 7, 2102-2116. Environmental Science Nano.Accepted
  3. Baya C., Le Pape P., Baptiste B., Brest J., Landrot G., Elkaïm E., Noël V., Blanchard M., Ona-Nguema G., Juillot F, Morin G. (2021) Influence of trace level concentrations of As and Ni on pyrite formation kinetics at low temperature. Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta. Accepted
  4. Engel, M.; Boye, K.; Noël, V.; Babey, T.; Bargar, J. R.; Fendorf, S. (2021) Simulated aquifer heterogeneity leads to enhanced attenuation and multiple retention processes of zinc. Environmental Science & Technology. 55 (5) 2939–2948. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c06750
  5. Engel M.; Lezama Pacheco J.S.; Noël V.; Boye K.; Fendorf S. (2021) Organic compounds alter preference and rates of heavy metal adsorption on ferrihydrite. Science of the Total Environment. 750, 141485. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141485 


Calendar Year 2020 Publications (including submitted manuscripts under review)

  1. Kumar, N.;  Noël, V.;  Planer-Friedrich, B.;  Besold, J.;  Lezama Pacheco, J.;  Bargar, J. R.;  Brown, J., G.;  Fendorf, S.; Boye, K. (2020) Redox heterogeneities promote thioarsenate formation and release into groundwater from low arsenic sediments. Environmental Science & Technology, 54 (6), 3237-3244. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b06502
  2. Xu, J.;  Avellan, A.;  Li, H.;  Liu, X.;  Noël, V.;  Lou, Z.;  Wang, Y.;  Kaegi, R.;  Henkelman, G.; Lowry, G. (2020) Sulfur loading and speciation control the hydrophobicity, electron transfer, reactivity, and selectivity of sulfidized nanoscale zerovalent iron., Advanced Materials, 32 (17). DOI: 10.1002/adma.201906910
  3. Noël, V.;  Kumar, N.;  Boye, K.;  Barragan, L.;  Lezama-Pacheco, J.;  Chu, R. K.;  Tolic, N.;  Brown Jr., G. E.; Bargar, J. R. (2020) FeS colloids – formation and mobilization pathways in natural waters. Environmental Science: Nano, 7, 2102-2116. DOI: 10.1039/C9EN01427F


Calendar Year 2019 Publications

  1. Besold, J.;  Eberle, A.;  Noël, V.;  Kujala, K.;  Kumar, N.;  Scheinost, A. C.;  Pacheco, J. L.;  Fendorf, S. (2019) Planer-Friedrich, B., Antimonite binding to natural organic matter: spectroscopic evidence from a mine water impacted peatland. Environmental science & technology, 53 (18), 10792-10802. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b03924
  2. Lefebvre, P.;  Noël, V.;  Jemison, N. E.;  Weaver, K. L.;  Bargar, J. R.; Maher, K. (2019) Isotopic fingerprint of uranium bio-accumulation and redox cycling in floodplains of the Upper Colorado River Basin. Environmental Science & Technology, 53 (7), 3399-3409. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b05593
  3. Noel, V.; Boye, K.;  Kukkadapu, R. K.;  Li, Q. Y.; Bargar, J. R. (2019) Uranium storage mechanisms in wet-dry redox cycled sediments. Water Research, 152, 251-263. DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2018.12.040

Calendar Year 2018 Publications

  1. Kumar, N.;  Lezama Pacheco, J. S.;  Noël, V.;  Dublet, G.; Brown, G. E. (2018) Sulfidation Mechanisms of Fe(III)-(oxyhydr)oxide Nanoparticles: A Spectroscopic Study. Environmental Science: Nano, 5 (4), 1012-1026. DOI: 10.1039/C7EN01109A


Calendar Year 2017 Publications

  1. Boye, K.; Noël, V.; Tfaily, M.; Bone, S.; Williams, K.; Bargar, J.; Fendorf, S. (2017) Thermodynamically controlled preservation of organic carbon in floodplains. Nature Geoscience, 10, 415–419. DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2940
  2. Ikogou, M.;  Ona-Nguema, G.;  Juillot, F.;  Le Pape, P.;  Menguy, N.;  Richeux, N.;  Guigner, J.-M.;  Noël, V.;  Brest, J.;  Baptiste, B.; Morin, G. (2017) Long-term sequestration of nickel in mackinawite formed by Desulfovibrio capillatus upon Fe(III)-citrate reduction in the presence of thiosulfate. Applied Geochemistry, 80, 143-154. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2017.02.019
  3. Morin, G.;  Noël, V.;  Menguy, N.;  Brest, J.;  Baptiste, B.;  Tharaud, M.;  Ona-Nguema, G.;  Ikogou, M.;  Viollier, E.; Juillot, F. (2017) Nickel accelerates pyrite nucleation at ambient temperature. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 5, 6-11. DOI: 10.7185/geochemlet.1738
  4. Noël, V.;  Boye, K.;  Kukkadapu, R. K.;  Bone, S.;  Pacheco, J. S. L.;  Cardarelli, E.;  Janot, N.;  Fendorf, S.;  Williams, K. H.; Bargar, J. R., (2017) Understanding controls on redox processes in floodplain sediments of the Upper Colorado River Basin. Sci Total Environ, 603, 663-675. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.01.109
  5. Noël, V.;  Boye, K.;  Lezama Pacheco, J. S.;  Bone, S. E.;  Janot, N.;  Cardarelli, E.;  Williams, K. H.; Bargar, J. R., (2017) Redox controls over the stability of U(IV) in floodplains of the Upper Colorado River Basin. Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (19), 10954-10964. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b02203
  6. Noël, V.;  Juillot, F.;  Morin, G.;  Marchand, C.;  Ona-Nguema, G.;  Viollier, E.;  Prévot, F.;  Dublet, G.;  Maillot, F.;  Delbes, L.;  Marakovic, G.;  Bargar, J. R.; Brown, G. E., (2017) Oxidation of Ni-Rich Mangrove Sediments after Isolation from the Sea (Dumbea Bay, New Caledonia): Fe and Ni Behavior and Environmental Implications. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 1, (8) 455-464. DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.7b00005



Calendar Year 2021 Presentations

  1. Bargar J.R.,; Bone S.E.; Dewey C.; Noël V.; Fendorf S. (2021) Radionuclide and heavy metal complexation on complex natural sorbents. Presented at the American Chemical Society (ACS) Virtual Spring Meeting. April 5-16.  [Invited talk]
  2. Chardi K.J.; Salas M.A.; Kumar N.; Schenkeveld W.D.C.; Noël V.; Pjevac P.; Giammar D.; Kraemer S.M. (2021) Remobilization of uranium from a bioreduced field sediment by organic ligands. Presented at the Goldschmidt Virtual Conference. July 4-9. [Talk]
  3. Engel M.; Boye K.; Noël V.; Babey T.; Bargar J.R.; Fendorf S. (2021) How spatial and compositional heterogeneities influence zinc retention in a simulated aquifer. Presented at the Goldschmidt Virtual Conference. July 4-9.  [Talk]


Calendar Year 2020 Presentations

  1. Noël V.; Kumar N.; Engel M.; Boye K.; Brown G.; Bargar J.R. (2020) Formation and stability of colloids driven by reducing conditions: impact on water quality. Presented at the Goldschmidt Virtual Conference, June 21-26. [Invited].
  2. Boye K.; Babey T.; Kumar N.; Noël V.; Perzan Z.; Engel, M.; Tolar, B.; Bargar J. R.; Fendorf, S. (2020) Redox interfaces produce halos of altered biogeochemical reactivity in alluvial groundwater sediments. Presented at the Goldschmidt Virtual Conference, June 21-26. [Talk]
  3. Juillot, F.; Noël, V.; Voegelin, A.; Louvat, P.; Gelabert, A.; Mueller, B.; Morin, G. (2020) Zn isotopes can reveal past eutrophication of continental lakes: the example of baldeg (Switzerland). Presented at the Goldschmidt Virtual Conference, June 21-26. [Talk]
  4. Engel, M.; Boye, K.; Noël, V.; Bargar, J. R.; Fendorf, S. (2020) Biogeochemical variability controls heavy metal mobility within alluvial aquifers. Presented at the Goldschmidt Virtual Conference, June 21-26. [Talk].
  5. Bargar, J. R.; Noel, V.; Bone, S.; Boye, K.; Fendorf, S.; Babey, T.; Maher, K. (2020) Influence of environmental interfaces on molecular processes controlling uranium behavior. Presented at the ACS 2020 National Spring Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, March 23. [Talk] 


Calendar Year 2019 Presentations

  1. Bargar, J. R., Noel, V., Roycroft, S., Bobb, C., Bone, S. E., Boye, K., Johnson, R. and Dam, W. L. (2019) Uranium Dynamics in Semi-Arid Watersheds. Presented at the Water Systems Symposium, Stanford, CA, USA. October 12. [Invited]
  2.  Bone, S.E., Cliff, J.; Jones, M.A.; Cahill, M.; Roycroft, S.; Weaver, K.; Fendorf, S.; Davis, J.; Williams, K.; Boye, K.; Noel, V.; Takacs, C.; Bargar, J.R. (2019) Influences of Organic Matter on Uranium Retention and Mobilization in Contaminated Aquifers. Presented at the University of Lausanne, Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics. Lausanne, Switzerland, Oct 2, 2019 [Invited]
  3. Boye, K.;  Kumar, N.;  Noel, V.;  Spielman, L. E.;  Barragan, L.;  Planer-Friedrich, B.;  Besold, J.;  Bargar, J. R.; Fendorf, S. (2019). Influence of redox interfaces on metal(loid) contaminant mobility in shallow alluvial groundwater aquifers. Presented at ACS National Fall Meeting, San Diego, CA, Aug 25-29. [Talk]
  4. Bargar, J.R.; Roycroft, S.; Boye, K.; Perzan, Z.; Johnson, R.; Dam, W.; Noel, V.; Fendorf, S. (2019) Uranium mobilization across saturated-unsaturated interfaces. Presented at Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Symposium 04l: Session Honoring Professor Georges Calas. Barcelona, Spain, Aug 19. [Talk]
  5. Merrot, P.;  Juillot, F.;  Noël, V.;  Le pape, P.;  Lefebvre, P.;  Menguy, N.;  Viollier, E.;  Bargar, J. R.; Morin, G. (2019) Green-clays and the coastal biogeochemical cycles of trace metals. Presented at Goldschmidt Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Aug 18-23. [Talk]
  6. Kumar, N.;  Boye, K.;  Noël, V.;  Planer- Friedrich, B.;  Bargar, J. R.;  Brown, G. E. J.; Fendorf, S. (2019) Influence of redox interfaces on Arsenic mobility. Presented at Goldschmidt Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Aug 18-23. [Poster].
  7. Boye, K., Kumar, N., Noël, V., Dewey, C. W., Tolar, B. B., Brown, G. E., Francis, C.A., Bargar, J. R. and Fendorf, S. (2019). SLAC Groundwater Quality SFA: Impact of reduced zones and hydrological-biogeochemical coupling on solute transport and groundwater quality. Presented at the Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. Apr 30-May 1. [Poster]
  8. Noël, V., Kumar, N., Boye, K., Kukkadapu, R., Bargar, J. R., Brown, G. E. and Williams, K. H. (2019). SLAC Groundwater Quality SFA: Mechanisms controlling colloid formation and impact on water quality in alluvial sediments. Presented at the Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. Apr 30-May 1. [Poster]
  9. Boye, K., Noël, V., Kumar, N., Bargar, J., Fendorf, S. (2019) Understanding metal(loid) contaminant threats to shallow groundwater resources. Presented at the American Indian Science and Engineering Society, Region 2 meeting, Stanford, CA. Apr 6. [Invited]
  10. Bargar, J.R., Roycroft, S.R., Boye, K., Johnson, R., Noel, V., Perzan, Z., and Fendorf, S. (2019) Hydrological-geochemical controls over uranium mobility in unsaturated zone sediments. Presented at the 2019 Spring National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Orlando, FL, April 2. [Invited]
  11. Boye, K., Noël, V., Kumar, N., Bargar, J., Fendorf, S. (2019) How X-rays are helping us understand groundwater contaminant behavior. Presented at the SSRL monthly lunch seminar series, Menlo Park, CA. Mar 21. [Invited]
  12. Bargar, J. R., Noël, V., Bone, S. E., Roycroft, S., Dam, W. L., Johnson, R. H. and Williams, K. H.  (2019) Redox, Hydrological, and Molecular Controls over Uranium Mobility in Redox-Variable Aquifers Presented at the Seaborg Institute Science Symposium Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Jan 18. [Invited]
  13. Noël, V., Ikogou, M., Le Pape, P., Ona-Nguema, G., Juillot, F., Blanchard, M., Brest, J., Baptiste, B., Landrot, G., Olivi, L., Bargar, J. R. and Morin, G. (2019). Crystal chemistry of trace elements in sulfide minerals: environmental implications. Presented at the Soleil User Meeting, Paris, France. Jan 17-18. [Invited]


Calendar Year 2018 Presentations

  1. Noël, V., Boye, K., Kukkadapu, R. and Bargar, J. R. (2018). Coupled hydrologyredox controls over U mobility in shallow contaminated sediments. Presented at the International Conference Uranium Biogeochemistry, Monte Veritá Ascona, Switzerland. Oct 21-26. [Talk]
  2. Bone, S.E., Cliff, J.; Jones, M.A.; Cahill, M.; Roycroft, S.; Fendorf, S.; Davis, J.; Williams, K.; Boye, K.; Noel, V.; Bargar, J.R. (2018) Integrating imaging techniques for elucidating coupled nutrient and contaminant biogeochemical cycles. SSRL User Meeting. Sep. 25-28. [Invited]
  3. Trusiak, A., Treibergs, L., Kling, G., Bargar, J., Noël, V. and Cory, R. (2018). The Role of Iron Complexation in the Production of Reactive Oxygen Species and CO2 in Arctic Soil Waters. Presented at the Goldschmidt Conference, Boston, MA. Aug 12-17. [Talk]
  4. Merrot, P., Juillot, F., Noël, V., Viollier, E., Menguy, N., Bargar, J. and Morin, G. (2018). Crystal-Chemistry of Trace Metals in the Lagoon Sediments of New Caledonia. Presented at the Goldschmidt Conference, Boston, MA. Aug 12-17. [Talk]
  5. Kumar, N., Noël, V., Boye, K., Besold, J., Planer-Friedrich, B., Fendorf, S. and Brown, G. (2018). Behavior of As(III) and As(V) during Ferrihydrite Sulfidation. Presented at the Goldschmidt Conference, Boston, MA. Aug 12-17. [Talk]
  6. Noël, V., Boye, K., Kukkadapu, R. and Bargar, J. (2018). Combining Hydrology and Redox Cycling: A New Model to Consider for U Transport? . Presented at the Goldschmidt Conference, Cory, R., Trusiak, A., Ward, C., Kling, G., Noël, V. and Bargar, J. (2018). Role of Iron in Dissolved Organic Carbon Degradation in the Arctic. Presented at the Goldschmidt Conference, Boston, MA. Aug 12-17. [Invited]
  7. Boye, K., Herrmann, A. M., Bobb, C., Tolar, B., Noël, V., Bargar, J. R., Maher, K and Fendorf, S. (2018). Microbial energetics, carbon, and the progression of redox reactions in flooded soils. Presented at the Goldschmidt, Boston, MA. Aug 12-17. [Poster]
  8. Bone, S.E., Cliff, J.; Jones, M.A.; Cahill, M.; Roycroft, S.; Fendorf, S.; Davis, J.; Williams, K.; Boye, K.; Noel, V.; Bargar, J.R. (2018) Influences of Organic Matter on Uranium Retention and Mobilization in Contaminated Aquifers. Presented at the Goldschmidt Conference, Boston, MA. Aug 12-17 [Keynote]
  9. Bone, S.E., Cliff, J.; Jones, M.A.; Cahill, M.; Roycroft, S.; Fendorf, S.; Davis, J.; Williams, K.; Boye, K.; Noel, V.; Bargar, J.R. (2018) Impact of organic matter type on uranium complexation in anoxic contaminated sediments: a combined NanoSIMS and x-ray spectromicroscopy study. EMSL Integration Meeting. Richland, WA. August 6-8 [Invited]
  10.  Boye, K., Herrmann, A. M., Tfaily, M. M., Schaefer, M., Noël, V., Bargar, J. and Fendorf, S. (2018). Carbon in transit – implications of microbial energetics for carbon and contaminant fate in transitory systems. Presented at the Organic Geochemistry Gordon Research Conference, Holderness, NH. Jul 29-Aug 3. [Invited]
  11. Bargar, J. R., Noël, V., Boye, K., Bobb, C., Cardarelli, E., Fendorf, S., Maher, K. and Francis, C. A. (2018). Multi-technique synchrotron investigations of metal and radionuclide behavior in complex biogeochemical systems. Presented at the National Meeting of the Swedish Chemical Society, Satellite meeting on The Future of Chemistry with MAX IV and ESS, Lund, Sweden. Jun 20. [Keynote]
  12. Bargar, J. R., Noël, V., Boye, K., Bobb, C., Cardarelli, E., Kukkadapu, R., Fendorf, S., Maher, K. and Francis, C. A. (2018). Iron-sulfur redox cycling and contaminant mobility in the upper Colorado River Basin. Presented at the Clay Minerals Society 55th Annual Meeting, Urbana-Champaign, IL. Jun 11. [Invited]
  13. Roycroft, S., Noël, V., Bargar, J. R., Boye, K., Fendorf, S., Francis, C. A. and Maher, K. (2018). SLAC-SFA: Groundwater Quality SFA, Hydrologically driven biogeochemical processes controlling groundwater quality. Presented at the 2019 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. May 1-2. [Poster]
  14. Noël, V., Boye, K., Bargar, J. R., Kukkadapu, R. and Williams, K. (2018). SLAC SFA:Groundwater Quality SFA, Contaminant response to hydrologic transitions in transiently-reduced zones. Presented at the 2018 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. May 1-2. [Poster]
  15. Bobb, C., Maher, K., Boye, K., Noël, V., Bargar, J. R., Dam, W. L., Frazier, W. and Johnson, R. H. (2018). SLAC-SFA: Groundwater Quality SFA. Biogeochemical-Hydrologic Coupling in the Capillary Fringe at the Riverton, WY Site. Presented at the 2018 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. May 1-2. [Poster]
  16. Boye, K., Tfaily, M. M., Noël, V., Schaefer, M., Herrmann, A. M., Bargar, J. R. and Fendorf, S. (2018). Implications of microbial energetics for carbon fate in floodplain soils and groundwater. Presented at the US DOE ESS Annual PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. May 1-2. [Invited]
  17. Bargar, J. R., Roycroft, S., Noël, V., Boye, K., Johnson, R., Dam, W. L. and Fendorf, S. (2018). Vertical transport of uranium in the unsaturated zone: A likely plume persistence mechanism. Presented at the ACS National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, LA. Mar 19-21. [Talk]
  18. Roycroft, S., Noël, V., Boye, K., Johnson, R. H., Dam, W. L., Fendorf, S. E. and Bargar, J. R. (2018). Vertical transport of Uranium in the unsaturated zone: a likely plume persistence mechanisms. Presented at the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA. Mar 18-22. [Talk]


Calendar Year 2017 Presentations

  1. Noël, V., Boye, K., Bone, S. E., Kukkadapu, R., Dynes, J., Lezama-Pacheco, J. S., Cardarelli, E. L., Williams, K. H., Fendorf, S. and Bargar, J. R. (2017). Redox constraints on shallow alluvial sediments: Implications for U mobility. Presented at the 2017 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. Apr 25-26. [Poster]
  2. Dynes, J., Noel, V., Bone, S. E. and Bargar, J. (2017). Investigation of Organic Matter in Uranium-Enriched Sediments. Presented at the Goldschmidt Conference, Paris, France. Aug 16 [Oral]
  3. Noël, V., Boye, K., Kukkadapu, R., Lezama-Pacheco, J., Fendorf, S., Roycroft, S. J.and Bargar, J. (2017). Fe and S Speciation to Track Redox Constraints on Shallow Alluvial Sediments: Implications for U Storage and Stability. Presented at the Goldschmidt Conference, Paris, France. August 18. [Oral]
  4. Kumar N.; Noël V.; Brown G.E. Jr. (2017) Fate of Arsenic during Sulfidation of FeIII-(oxyhydr)oxides. Presented at the Goldschmidt Conference, Paris, France. August 18. [Poster]
  5. Boye, K., Tfaily, M. M., Herrmann, A. M., Noël, V., Bargar, J. and Fendorf, S. (2017). Carbon in transit – implications of microbial energetics for carbon and contaminant fate in transitory systems. Presented at the SSSA Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. Oct 22-25. [Invited]
  6. Boye, K., Tfaily, M.M., Herrmann, A. M., Noël, V., Bargar, J.R., Fendorf, S. (2017). Carbon in transit – implications of microbial energetics for carbon and contaminant fate in transitory systems. Presented at Goldschmidt, Paris, France. Aug 13-18. [Poster]
  7. Boye, K., Noël, V., Bobb, C., Cardarelli, E.L., Dam, W.L., Johnson, R.H., Kukkadapu, R., Tfaily, M., Pasa-Tolic, L., Fendorf, S., Francis, C.A., Maher, K. and Bargar, J.R. (2017). Hydrologically driven process coupling between biogeochemical cycles and solute transport in transiently saturated sediments at the Riverton site (WY). Presented at the 2017 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. Apr 25-26. [Poster]
  8. Noël, V., Boye, K., Bone, S. E., Kukkadapu, R., Dynes, J., Lezama-Pacheco, J.S., Cardarelli, E.L., Williams, K.H., Fendorf, S. and Bargar, J.R. (2017). Redox constraints on shallow alluvial sediments: Implications for U mobility. Presented at the 2017 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. Apr 25-26. [Poster]
  9. Bargar, J. R., Noël, V., Bone, S. E., Roycroft, S., Dam, W. L., Johnson, R. H. and Williams, K. H.  (2017) Redox controls over uranium mobility in hydrologically variable aquifers. Presented at the Synchrotron Environmental Science Symposium 7: Illuminating the Links Between Environmental Science and Human Health, Brookhaven, NY. Oct 30. [Invited]
  10. Bargar, J.R., Noël, V.N., Bone, S., Roycroft, S., Williams, K.H., Dam, R. and Johnson R. (2017) Redox, Hydrological, and Molecular Controls over Uranium Mobility in Redox-Variable Aquifers. Presented the 2017 Goldschmidt Geochemistry conference, Paris, France, Aug, 15 [Keynote]
  11. Bargar, J.R., Bone, S.E., Cliff, J., Dynes, J., Janot, N., and Noël, V. (2017) Molecular controls over uranium mobility in complex redox-active sediment system. Presented at the 253rd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 3. [Talk]