
Group photo with holiday props
SLAC Holiday Party 2024 Photo Booth
Group photo with holiday props
SLAC Holiday Party 2024 Photo Booth
Group photo with holiday props
SLAC Holiday Party 2024 Photo Booth
Candide photo of group in Fall 2024
Group photo out takes
Group photo with members pointing at a deer out of frame
Group photo out takes: "Look a deer!"
Research group photo during dinner
SLAC Stanford Battery Center Holiday dinner 
woman being hooded by advisor
Hooding ceremony for Maha Yusuf in the Summer of 2023.
Group photo at SSRL 50th anniversary
Celebrating SSRL's 50th anniversary
Members participating in a panel discussion
Panel discussion on Long Duration Energy Storage during the launch of the SLAC Stanford Battery Center. (Orrell)
group members talking to each other
Discussions between team members during a break at the launch of the SLAC Stanford Battery Center.
Johanna Nelson Weker talking during a tour
Johanna Nelson Weker discussing science at beamline 6-2 during Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe's, Director of the Office of Science for the U.S. Department of Energy, visit to SSRL.
group selfie with food and drinks
Group gathering in the park Fall 2022.
Team members sitting around a picnic table with food and drinks
Group party in the park as we tried to remember how to socialize in-person (Summer 2021). 
man and woman looking at two donkeys
Group activities during shutdown (September 2020)
Woman giving a science talk in a bar
"A battery walks into a bar..." SLAC on Tap! January 2020 (Orrell)