Michael J Brady, Jessica L Andrews, Andrea Zambotti, Delin Zhang, Xintong Yuan, Kodi Thurber, Xiangfeng Duan, Yuzhang Li, Johanna Nelson Weker, Ananya Renuka Balakrishna, Kimberly A See, Ram Seshadri, Anton Van der Ven, Bruce S Dunn, Sarah H Tolbert, Brent C Melot “ Multiscale approaches for optimizing the impact of strain on Na-ion battery cycle life ” MRS Energy & Sustainability (2024). Daniel D Robertson, Charlene Z Salamat, David J Pe, Helen Cumberbatch, David N Agyeman-Budu, Johanna Nelson Weker, Sarah H Tolbert “ Electrochemically-Formed Disordered Rock Salt ω-Li x V9 Mo6 O40 as a Fast-Charging Li-Ion Electrode Material ” Chemistry of Materials (2024). Samuel S Welborn, Molleigh B Preefer, Johanna Nelson Weker “ TomoPyUI: a user-friendly tool for rapid tomography alignment and reconstruction ” Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 31 (2024). Seong Shik Kim, David N Agyeman-Budu, Joshua J Zak, Jessica L Andrews, Jonathan Li, Brent C Melot, Johanna Nelson Weker, Kimberly A See “ Effect of Metal d Band Position on Anion Redox in Alkali-Rich Sulfides ” Chem. Mater. 35 , 13, 6454-6463 (2024). Érick A Santos, Murilo M Amaral, Barbara S Damasceno, Leonardo Morais Da Silva, Hudson G Zanin, J ohanna Nelson Weker, CB Rodella “ Advanced in situ / operando characterizations of lithium- sulfur batteries: A sine qua non ” Nano Energy 130, 110098 (2024). Yunkai Luo, Etienne Le Calvez, Yucheng Zhou, Éric Gautron, Éric Quarez, Molleigh Preefer, Olivier Crosnier, Johanna Nelson Weker, Laurent Pilon, Thierry Brousse, Bruce Dunn “ Structure and Electrochemical Properties of Bronze Phase Materials Containing Two Transition Metals ” Chem. Mater. 35 , 20, 8675-8685 (2023). Lin Wang, Johanna Nelson Weker, Roxana Family, Jiaxin Liu, Eric Detsi “ Morphology Evolution in Self-Healing Liquid-Gallium-Based Mg-Ion Battery Anode ” ACS Energy Letters 8 , 11, 4932 (2023).Dan-il Yoon, Nishad Mulay, Jericko Baltazar, Dang Khoa Cao, Valeria Perez, Johanna Nelson Weker, Min Hwan Lee, Robert D. Miller, Dahyun Oh, Sang-Joon John Lee “ Softening of PEO–LiTFSI/LLZTO Composite Polymer Electrolytes for Solid-State Batteries under Cyclic Compression ” ACS Appl. Energy Mater ., 6 , 18, 9400-9408 (2023). Andrew C. Lee, Abhinav Parakh, Sebastian Lam, Andrew Sleugh, Ottman Tertuliano, David Doan, Johanna Nelson Weker, Peter Hosemann, X. Wendy Gu “ Dynamic fracture processes in hydrogen embrittled iron ” Acta Materialia , 259 , 119234 (2023). Fréderique T. H. Broers, Koen Janssens, Johanna Nelson Weker, Samuel M. Webb, Apurva Mehta, Florian Meirer, Katrien Keune, “ Two Pathways for the Degradation of Orpiment Pigment (As2 S3 ) Found in Paintings ”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 145 (16) 8847-8859 (2023). Hamed Mehrabi, Samuel K. Conlin, Thomas I. Hollis, Brayley S. Gattis, Johanna Nelson Weker, Robert H. Coridan, “ Electrochemical Control of the Morphology and Functional Properties of Hierarchically Structured, Dendritic Cu Surfaces ”, Energy Technology , 11 , 2201124 (2023). Timothy Lee, Jintao Fu, Lin Wang, Jiaxin Liu, Samuel S. Welborn, Johanna Nelson Weker, Eric Detsi " Isolating intermediate Mg11Cu6Al12 phase in ternary Mg-Cu-Al alloy by electrolytic dealloying " Scripta Materialia , 222 , 115039 (2023). Andrew C. Lee, Abhinav Parakh, Andrew Sleugh, Ottman A. Tertuliano, Sebastian Lam, Johanna Nelson Weker, Peter Hosemann, X. Wendy Gu " Detection of voids in hydrogen embrittled iron using transmission X-ray microscopy '' International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (5) 1968 (2023). Molleigh Preefer, Tanvir R. Tanim, Samuel S. Welborn, David N. Agyeman-Budu, Alison R. Dunlop, Stephen E. Trask, Eric J. Dufek, Andrew N. Jansen, Johanna Nelson Weker " The Evolution of LiNi0.5 Mn0.3 Co0.2 O2 Particle Damage from Fast Charging in Optimized, Full Li-Ion Cells " Phys. Chem. C , 126 (50) 21196 (2022). Maha Yusuf, Jacob M. LaManna, Partha P. Paul, David N. Agyeman-Budu, Chuntian Cao, Alison R. Dunlop, Andrew N. Jansen, Bryant J. Polzin, Stephen E. Trask, Tanvir R. Tanim, Eric J. Dufek, Vivek Thampy, Hans-Georg Steinrück, Michael F. Toney, Johanna Nelson Weker “ Simultaneous neutron and X-ray tomography for visualization of graphite electrode degradation in fast-charged lithium-ion batteries ” Cell Reports Physical Science 3 (11) 101145 (2022). Julie Soderlind, Aiden A. Martin, Nicholas P Calta, Philip J. DePond, Jenny Wang, Bey Vrancken, Robin E Schäublin, Indranil Basu, Vivek Thampy, Anthony Y. Fong, Andrew M. Kiss, Joel M. Berry, Aurélien Perron, Johanna Nelson Weker, Kevin H. Stone, Christopher J. Tassone, Michael F. Toney, Anthony Van Buuren, Jörg F. Löffler, Subhash H. Risbud, Manyalibo J. Matthews " Melt-Pool Dynamics and Microstructure of Mg Alloy WE43 under Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Conditions " Crystals 12 (10) 1437 (2022). Tanvir R. Tanim, Peter J. Weddle, Zhenzhen Yang, Andrew M. Colclasure, Harry Charalambous, Donal P. Finegan, Yanying Lu, Molleigh Preefer, Sangwook Kim, Jeffery M. Allen, Francois L. E. Usseglio-Viretta, Parameswara R. Chinnam, Ira Bloom, Eric J. Dufek, Kandler Smith, Guoying Chen, Kamila M. Wiaderek, Johanna Nelson Weker , Yang Ren “ Enabling Extreme Fast-Charging: Challenges at the Cathode and Mitigation Strategies ” Advanced Energy Materials 12 (46) 2202795 (2022).Eva Allen, Linda Y. Lim, Xianghui Xiao, Albert Liu, Michael F. Toney, Jordi Cabana, Johanna Nelson Weker, " Spatial Quantification of Microstructural Degradation during Fast Charge in 18650 Lithium-Ion Batteries through Operando X-ray Microtomography and Euclidean Distance Mapping " ACS Applied Energy Materials 5 (10) 12798-12808 (2022). Jessica L. Andrews, Eric T. McClure, Kenneth K. Jew, Molleigh B. Preefer, Ahamed Irshad, Matthew J. Lertola, Daniel D. Robertson, Charlene Z. Salamat, Michael J. Brady, Louis F. J. Piper, Sarah H. Tolbert, Johanna Nelson Weker, Bradley F. Chmelka, Bruce S. Dunn, Sri R. Narayan, William C. West, Brent C. Melot "Room-Temperature Electrochemical Fluoride (De)insertion into CsMnFeF6 " ACS Energy Letters 7 (7) 2340-234 (2022).Sarah F. Zaccarine, Meital Shviro, Johanna Nelson Weker, Michael J. Dzara, Jayson Foster, Marcelo Carmo, Svitlana Pylypenko, " Multi-Scale Multi-Technique Characterization Approach for Analysis of PEM Electrolyzer Catalyst Layer Degradation " Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 169 , 064502 (2022).Chuntian Cao, Hans-Georg Steinrück, Partha P. Paul, Alison R. Dunlop, Stephen E. Trask, Andrew N. Jansen, Robert M. Kasse, Vivek Thampy, Maha Yusuf, Johanna Nelson Weker, Badri Shyam, Ram Subbaraman, Kelly Davis, Christina M. Johnston, Christopher J. Takacs, Michael F. Toney, " Conformal Pressure and Fast-Charging Li-Ion Batteries " Journal of the Electrochemical Society , 169 , 040540 (2022). Rebecca C. Vincent, Yunkai Luo, Jessica L. Andrews, Arava Zohar, Yucheng Zhou, Qizhang Yan, Eve M. Mozur, Molleigh B. Preefer, Johanna Nelson Weker, Anthony K. Cheetham, Jian Luo, Laurent Pilon, Brent C. Melot, Bruce Dunn, Ram Seshadri, " High-rate lithium cycling and structure evolution in Mo4 O11 " Chemistry of Materials , 34 , 9, 4122-4133 (2022). Seong Shik Kim, David N. Agyeman-Budu, Joshua J. Zak, Andrew Dawson, Qizhang Yan, Miguel Cában-Acevedo, Kamila M. Wiaderek, Andrey A. Yakovenko, Yiyi Yao, Ahamed Irshad, Sri R. Narayan, Jian Luo, Johanna Nelson Weker, Sarah H. Tolbert, Kimberly A. See, " Promoting reversibility of multielectron redox in alkali-rich sulfide cathodes through cryomilling " Chemistry of Materials, 34 (7) 3236–3245 (2022). Aiden A. Martin, Jenny Wang, Philip J. Depond, Maria Strantza, Jean-Baptiste Forien, Sanam Gorgannejad, Gabriel M. Guss, Vivek Thampy, Anthony Y. Fong, Johanna Nelson Weker, Kevin H. Stone, Christopher J. Tassone, Manyalibo J. Matthews, Nicholas P. Calta, " A laser powder bed fusion system for operando synchrotron x-ray imaging and correlative diagnostic experiments at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource " Review of Scientific Instruments , 93 , 043702 (2022). Guang Yang, Halil Tetik, Johanna Nelson Weker, Xianghui Xiao, Shuting Lei, Dong Lin, " In-situ imaging of 3D freeze printing process using rapid X-ray synchrotron radiography " Review of Scientific Instrument , 93 , 013703 (2022). Qizhang Yan, Shu-Tin Ko, Andrew Dawson, David Agyeman-Budu, Grace Whang, Yumin Zhao, Mingde Qin, Bruce S. Dunn, Johanna Nelson Weker, Sarah H. Tolbert, Jian Luo, " Thermodynamics-driven interfacial engineering of alloy-type anode materials " Cell Reports Physical Science , 3 (1) 100694 (2022). Partha P. Paul, Bor-Rong Chen, Spencer A. Langevin, Eric J. Dufek, Johanna Nelson Weker, Jesse S. Ko, " Interfaces in all solid state Li-metal batteries: A review on instabilities, stabilization strategies, and scalability " Energy Storage Materials , 45 , 969-1001 (2022). Chun Tan, Andrew S. Leach, Thomas M. M. Heenan, Huw Parks, Rhodri Jervis, Johanna Nelson Weker, Daniel J. L. Brett, Paul R. Shearing, " Nanoscale state-of-charge heterogeneities within polycrystalline nickel-rich layered oxide cathode materials " Cell Reports Physical Science , 2 (12) 100647 (2021). Partha P. Paul, Chuntian Cao, Vivek Thampy, Hans-Georg Steinrück, Tanvir R. Tanim, Alison R. Dunlop, Stephen E. Trask, Andrew N. Jansen, Eric J. Dufek, Johanna Nelson Weker, Michael F. Toney, " Using in situ high-energy X-ray diffraction to quantify electrode behavior of Li-ion batteries from extreme fast charging " ACS Applied Energy Materials , 4 (10) 11590-11598 (2021). Natalie R. Geise, Robert M. Kasse, Johanna Nelson Weker, Hans-Georg, Steinrück, Michael F. Toney, " Quantification of Efficiency in Lithium Metal Negative Electrode via Operando X-ray Diffraction " Chemistry of Materials , 33 (18) 7537-7545 (2021). Partha P. Paul, Vivek Thampy, Chuntian Cao, Hans-Georg Steinrück, Tanvir R. Tanim, Alison R. Dunlop, Eric J. Dufek, Stephen E. Trask, Andrew N. Jansen, Michael F. Toney, Johanna Nelson Weker, " Quantification of heterogenous, irreversible lithium plating in extreme fast charging of lithium-ion batteries " Energy & Environmental Science , 14 , 4979-4988 (2021). Erick Espinosa-Villatoro, Johanna Nelson Weker, Jesse S. Ko, Enrique Quiroga-González, " Tracking the Evolution of Processes Occurring in Silicon Anodes in Lithium Ion Batteries by 3D Visualization of Relaxation Times " Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry , 891 , 115309 (2021). Paul, McShane, Colclasure, Balsara, Brown, Cao, Chen, Chinnam, Cui, Dufek, Finegan, Gillard, Huang, Konz, Kostecki, Liu, Lubner, Prasher, Preefer, Qian, Fonseca Rodrigues, Schnabel, Son, Srinivasan, Steinrück, Tanim, Toney, Tong, Usseglio‐Viretta, Wan, Yusuf, McCloskey, Nelson Weker, " A Review of Existing and Emerging Methods for Lithium Detection and Characterization in Li‐Ion and Li‐Metal Batteries " Advanced Energy Materials , 2100372 (2021). Andrew J. Martinolich, Joshua J. Zak, David N. Agyeman-Budu, Seong Shik Kim, Nicholas H. Bashian, Ahamed Irshad, Sri R. Narayan, Brent C. Melot, Johanna Nelson Weker, Kimberly A. See, " Controlling Covalency and Anion Redox Potentials through Anion Substitution in Li-Rich Chalcogenides " Chemistry of Materials , 33 (1) 378-391 (2021). Mary K. Burdette-Trofimov, Beth L. Armstrong, Johanna Nelson Weker, Alexander M. Rogers, Guang Yang, Ethan C. Self, Ryan R. Armstrong, Jagjit Nanda, Gabriel M. Veith, " Direct Measure of Electrode Spatial Heterogeneity: Influence of Processing Conditions on Anode Architecture and Performance " ACS Applied Materials Interfaces , 12, 55954 (2020). T. C. Lin, A. Dawson, S. C. King, Y. Yan, D. S. Ashby, J. A. Mazzetti, B. S. Dunn, J. Nelson Weker, S. H. Tolbert, " Understanding Stabilization in Nanoporous Intermetallic Alloy Anodes for Li-Ion Batteries Using Operando Transmission X-ray Microscopy " ACS Nano , 14 (11) 14820 (2020). J. S. Ko, K. Bishop, N. Seitzman, B.-R. Chen, M. F. Toney, J. Nelson Weker, " Highly Reversible Plating/Stripping of Porous Zinc Anodes for Multivalent Zinc Batteries " Journal of The Electrochemical Society , 167 , 140520 (2020). H. Tetik, G. Yang, W. Tan, A. Fong, S. Lei, J. Nelson Weker, D. Lin, “ High Speed In-Situ X-Ray Imaging of 3D Freeze Printing of Aerogels ” Additive Manufacturing , 36 , 101513 (2020). R. M. Kasse, N. R. Geise, J. S. Ko, J. Nelson Weker, H.-G. Steinrück, M. F. Toney, “ Understanding Additive Controlled Lithium Morphology in Lithium Metal Batteries ” Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 , 16960-16872 (2020). T. R. Tanim, P. P. Paul, V. Thampy, C. Cao, H.-G. Steinrück, J. Nelson Weker, M. F. Toney, E. J. Dufek, M. C. Evans, A. N. Jansen, B. J. Polzin, A. R. Dunlop, S. E. Trask, “ Heterogeneous Behavior of Lithium Plating during Extreme Fast Charging ” Cell Reports Physical Science , 1 (7) 100114 (2020). N. P. Calta, V. Thampy, D. R.C. Lee, A. A. Martin, R. Ganeriwala, J. Wang, P. J. Depond, T. T. Roehling, A. Y. Fong, A. M. Kiss, C. J. Tassone, K. H. Stone, J. Nelson Weker, M. F. Toney, A. van Buuren, M. J. Matthews, “ Cooling dynamics of two titanium alloys during laser powder bed fusion probed with in situ X-ray imaging and diffraction ” Materials & Design , 195 , 108987 (2020). C. J. Hansen, J. J. Zak, A. Martinolich, J. S. Ko, N. H. Bashian, F. Kaboudvand, A. Van der Ven, B. C. Melot, J. Nelson Weker, K. A. See " Multielectron, Cation and Anion Redox in Lithium-Rich Iron Sulfide Cathodes " Journal of American Chemical Society 142 (14) 6737-6749 (2020).J. S. Ko, P. P Paul, G. Wan, N. Seitzman, R. DeBlock, B. Dunn, M. F. Toney, J. Nelson Weker, " NASICON Na3 V2 (PO4 )3 Enables Quasi-Two-Stage Na+ and Zn2+ Intercalation for Multivalent Zn-ion Batteries " Chemistry of Materials 32 (7) 3028-3035 (2020).J. S. Ko, C-H Lai, J. W Long, D. R. Rolison, B. Dunn, J. Nelson Weker, " Three-dimensional Impedance Characterization of Fast Li-ion Storage Processes: Differentiating Double-layer, Pseudocapacitance, and Battery-like Mechanisms " ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12, 12, 14071-14078 (2020). Y. Ren, J. S. Ko, R. M. Kasse, X. Song, M. F. Toney, J. Nelson Weker, " Hybrid Nanostructured Ni(OH)2 /NiO for High Capacity Lithium-ion Battery Anodes " ASME Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage , 17(4):401107 (2020). invitation-only special issue V. Thampy, A. Y. Fong, N. P. Calta, J. Wang, A. A. Martin, P. J. Depond, A. M. Kiss, G. Guss, Q. Xing, R. T. Ott, A. van Buuren, M. F. Toney, J. Nelson Weker, M. J. Kramer, M. J. Matthews, C. J. Tassone, K. H. Stone, " Subsurface Cooling Rates and Microstructural Response during Laser Based Metal Additive Manufacturing " Scientific Reports ,10 , 1981, (2020) A. M. Kiss, A. Y. Fong, N. P. Calta, V. Thampy, A. A. Martin, P. J. Depond, J. Wang, M. J. Matthews, R. T. Ott, C. J. Tassone, K. H. Stone, M. J. Kramer, A. van Buuren, M. F. Toney, and J. Nelson Weker, “ Laser‐Induced Keyhole Defect Dynamics during Metal Additive Manufacturing ” Advance Engineering Materials , 1900455 (2019). M. A. Koronfel, A. E. Goode, M. A. Gomez-Gonzalez, J. Nelson Weker, T. A. Simoes, R. Brydson, P. Quinn, M. F. Toney, A. Hart, A. E. Porter, M. P. Ryan, " Chemical Evolution of CoCrMo Wear Particles: An in Situ Characterization Study " The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (15), 9894-9901 (2019).S. Shulda, J. Nelson Weker, C. Ngo, S. Alia, S. Mauger, K. Neyerlin, B. Pivovar, S. Pylypenko, " 2D and 3D Characterization of PtNi Nanowire Electrode Composition and Structure ", ACS Applied Nano Materials , 2(1), (2019). A. A. Martin, N. P. Calta, S. A. Khairallah, J. Wang, P. J. Depond, A. Y. Fong, V. Thampy, G. M. Guss, A. M. Kiss, K. H. Stone, C. J. Tassone, J. Nelson Weker, M. F. Toney, T. van Buuren, M. J. Matthews, " Dynamics of pore formation during laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing ". Nature Communications , 10 (1), 1987 (2019).Y. Nakayama, R. Matsumoto, K. Kumagae, D. Mori, Y. Mizuno, S. Hosoi, K. Kamiguchi, N. Koshitani, Y. Inaba, Y. Kudo, H. Kawasaki, E. C. Miller, J. Nelson Weker, M.F. Toney " Zinc Blende Magnesium Sulfide in Rechargeable Magnesium-Sulfur Batteries ", Chemistry of Materials , 30 (18), 6318-6324 (2018). Z. Morgan Chan, D. A. Kitchaev, J. Nelson Weker, C. Schnedermann, K. Lim, G. Ceder, W. Tumas, M. F. Toney, D. G. Nocera, " Electrochemical trapping of metastable Mn3+ ions for activation of MnO2 oxygen evolution catalysts " PNAS, (2018). N. P. Calta, J. Wang, A. M. Kiss, A. A. Martin, P. J. Depond, G. M. Guss, V. Thampy, A. Y. Fong, J. Nelson Weker, K. H. Stone, C. J. Tassone, M. J. Kramer, M. F. Toney, A. V. Buuren, M. J. Matthews, " An instrument for in situ time-resolved X-ray imaging and diffraction of laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing processes ", Review of Scientific Instruments , 89 , 055101 (2018). M. A. Koronfel, A. E. Goode, J. Nelson Weker, S. E. R. Tay, C. A. Stitt, T. A. Simoes, J. F. W. Mosselmans, P. Quinn, R. Brydson, A. Hart, M. F. Toney, A. E. Porter, M. P. Ryan, " Understanding the reactivity of CoCrMo-implant wear particles ," npj Materials Degradation, 2 (8) (2018).J. Nelson Weker, A. M. Wise, K. Lim, B. Shyam, M. F. Toney, " Operando Spectroscopic Microscopy of LiCoO2 Cathodes Outside Standard Operating Potentials ," Electrochimica Acta , 247, 977-982 (2017). S. M. Alia, C.Ngo, S. Shulda, M.-A. Ha, A. A. Dameron, J. Nelson Weker, K. C. Neyerlin, S. S. Kocha, S. Pylypenko, B. S. Pivovar, “ Exceptional Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity and Durability of Platinum−Nickel Nanowires through Synthesis and Post-Treatment Optimization ”, ACS Omega, 2 , 1408-1418 (2017). R. E. Ruther, A. Samuthira Pandian, P. Yan, J. Nelson Weker, C. Wang, J. Nanda, “ Structural Transformations in High-Capacity Li2 Cu0.5 Ni0.5 O2 Cathodes ,” Chemistry of Materials 27 (7), 2997 (2017). J. B. Cook, T. C. Lin, E. Detsi, J. Nelson Weker, and S. H. Tolbert, “ Using X-ray Microscopy to Understand how Nanoporous Materials can be Used to Reduce the Large Volume Change in Alloy Anodes ,” Nano Letters 17 , 870 (2017). J. Nelson Weker, X. Huang, M. F. Toney, " In situ X-ray-based imaging of nanomaterials ," Current Opinions in Chemical Engineering 12, 14-21 (2016). A. M. Wise, J. Nelson Weker , S. Kalirai, M. Farmand, D. A. Shapiro, F. Meirer, B. M. Weckhuysen, “ Nanoscale Chemical Imaging of an Individual Catalyst Particle with Soft X-ray Ptychography ” ACS Catalysis , 6 , 2178-2181, (2016). S. E. R. Tay, A. E. Goode, J. Nelson Weker, A. A. Cruickshank, S. Heutz, A. E. Porter, M. P. Ryan, M. F. Toney, “ Direct in situ observation of ZnO nucleation and growth via transmission X-ray microscopy ” Nanoscale , 8 , 1849-1853, (2016). N. Bucher, S. Hartung, J. B. Franklin, A. M. Wise, L. Y. Lim, H.-Y. Chen, J. Nelson Weker, M. F. Toney, M. Srinivasan, “ P2-Na x Co y Mn1− y O2 ( y = 0,0.1) as Cathode Materials in Sodium-Ion Batteries – Effects of Doping and Morphology to Enhance Cycling Stability ” Chemistry of Materials , 28, 2041-2051 (2016). S. Hartung, N. Bucher, J. B. Franklin, A. M. Wise, L. Y. Lim, H.-Y. Chen, J. Nelson Weker, M. E. Michel-Beyerle, M. F. Toney, M. Srinivasan, “ Mechanism of Na+ Insertion in Alkali Vanadates and its Influence on Battery Performance ” Advanced Energy Materials , 6 (2016). W. E. Gent, Y. Li, S. Ahn, J. Lim, Y. Liu, A. M. Wise, C. Balaji Gopal, D. N. Mueller, R. Davis, J. Nelson Weker, J.-H. Park, S.-K. Doo, W. C. Chueh, “ Persistent State-of-Charge Heterogeneity in Relaxed, Partially Charged Li1− x Ni1/3 Co1/3 Mn1/3 O2 Secondary Particles ” Advanced Functional Materials , 28 , 6631-6638 (2016). S. Kumar, C. E. Graves, J. P. Strachan, E. M. Grafals, A. L. D. Kilcoyne, T. Tyliszczak, J. Nelson Weker, Y. Nishi, R. S. Williams, “ Direct Observation of Localized Radial Oxygen Migration in Functioning Tantalum Oxide Memristors ” Advanced Materials , 28, 2772-2776 (2016). J. Nelson Weker and M. F. Toney, “ Emerging in situ and operando nanoscale X-ray imaging techniques for energy storage materials ,” Advanced Functional Materials , 25 , 1622-1637, (2015). J. Nelson Weker, Y. Li, R. Shanmugam, W. Lai, W. C. Chueh, “ Tracking non-uniform mesoscale transport in LiFePO4 agglomerates during electrochemical cycling ,” ChemElectroChem , 2 , 1576-1581, (2015). A. M. Wise, C. Ban, J. Nelson Weker, S. Misra, A. S. Cavanagh, Z. Wu, Z. Li, M. S. Whittingham, Kang Xu, S. M. George, M. F. Toney, " Effect of Al2 O3 Coating on Stabilizing LiNi0.4 Mn0.4 Co0.2 O2 Cathodes ," Chemistry of Materials , 27 (17), 6146-6154, (2015). Y. Li, J. Nelson Weker, W. E. Gent, D. N. Mueller, J. Lim, D.A. Cogswell, T. Tyliszczak, W. Chueh, “ Dichotomy in the lithiation pathway of ellipsoidal and platelet LiFePO4 particles revealed through nanoscale operando state-of-charge imaging ,” Advanced Energy Materials , 25 , 3677-3687, (2015). R. Y. Wang, B. Shyam, K. H. Stone, J. Nelson Weker, M. Pasta, H.-W. Lee, M. F. Toney, Y. Cui, “ Reversible multivalent (monovalent, divalent, trivalent) ion insertion in open framework materials ,” Advanced Energy Materials , 5 , 12 (2015). F. Meirer, S. Kalirai, J. Nelson Weker, Y. Liu, J.C Andrews, B. M. Weckhuysen, “ Agglutination of single catalyst particles during fluid catalytic cracking as observed by X-ray nanotomography ,” Chemical Communications , 51 , 8097, (2015). J. Nelson Weker, Y. Li, W. C. Chueh, “ Low dose, limited energy spectroscopic x-ray microscopy ,” X-ray Nanoimaging: Instruments and Methods II Proc. of SPIE , 9592 , 95920N, (2015). A. M. Wise, H. Ohldag, W. Chueh, J. Turner, M. F. Toney, J. Nelson Weker, “ Development of a soft x-ray ptychography beamline at SSRL and its application in the study of energy storage materials ,” X-ray Nanoimaging: Instruments and Methods II Proc. of SPIE , 9592 , 95920B, (2015). J. Nelson Weker, N. Liu, S. Misra, J. C. Andrews, Y. Cui, M. F. Toney, " In situ nanotomography and operando transmission x-ray microscopy of micron-sized Ge particles ", Energy & Enviromental Science , 7 , 2771 (2014). M. Pasta, C. D. Wessells, N. Liu, J. Nelson, M. T. McDowell, R. A. Huggins, M. F. Toney, Y. Cui, “ Full open-framework batteries for stationary energy storage ”, Nature Communications 5, 3007 (2014). J. Nelson, Y. Yang, S. Misra, J. C. Andrews, Y. Cui, M. F. Toney, “ Identifying and managing radiation damage during in situ transmission X-ray microscopy of Li-ion batteries ”, X-ray Nanoimaging: Instruments and Methods Proc. of SPIE 8851 , 88510B (2013). Y. Liu, K. H. Cats, J. Nelson Weker, J. C. Andrews, B. M. Weckhuysen, P. Pianetta, “ Data-processing strategies for nanotomography with elemental specification ”, X-ray Nanoimaging: Instruments and Methods Proc. of SPIE 8851 ,88510A (2013). Y. Liu, J. Nelson, C. Holzner, J. C. Andrews, P. Pianetta, “ Recent advances in synchrotron-based hard x-ray phase contrast imaging ”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics special issue on Phase Contrast Imaging 46, 494001 (2013).J. J. Turner, J. Nelson, X. Huang, J. Steinbrener, C. 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