July 7, 2023 ·

Photos from NAM28 Conference


The Co-ACCESS team had a fantastic time attending the 28th North American Catalysis Society Meeting in Providence, Rhode Island.

Adam giving workshop at NAM28
Adam hosted a Sunday workshop at NAM28. 


Rachita presenting her talk at NAM28.
Rachita gave an oral presentation titled "Quantifying the Site Heterogeneity in Atomically Dispersed Catalyst Using Automated Workflow for XAS Analysis".


Jiyun presenting her talk at NAM28.
Jiyun gave an oral presentation titled “Revealing Structural Complexity in Catalyst via Advanced X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Data Analysis”. 


Adam presenting at NAM28.
Adam subbed in to give a presentation on the collaborative research work with Professor Ayman Karim at Virginia Tech.


Group photo at NAM28 banquet.
Co-ACCESS team with our beloved friends at the banquet!