
News Filter
Our recent publication in Science, “Selective chemical looping combustion of acetylene in ethylene-rich streams”, which is a collaboration with Bhan group of University of Minnesota, has been featured on SLAC Story.    Click to read the SLAC Story article  
  Happy New Year! It's the new year and it means our first semi-annual newsletter has arrived. Please take a read to learn about the XAS bootcamp we have hosted in Fall of 2024, updates from BL 10-2, news from the Co-ACCESS members, and the key recent publications. The newsletter can be found in our newsletter page.   
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  Simon was a guest speaker for the most recent episode of PodCAT, which is a catalysis-centric podcast hosted by professors Thomas Senftle (Rice University), Marc Porosoff (University of Rochester) and Ezra Clark (Penn State University).  You can listen to the PodCAT episode in Spotify or in Apple Podcasts. Click the links below! Listen in Spotify    Listen in Apple Podcasts 
  It is July already, which means our semi-annual newsletter is here. Please take a read to learn about our most recent updates on BL 10-2, as well as news on upcoming conference trips and stories on the interns at Co-ACCESS.   The newsletter can be found in our newsletter page. 
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We are excited to announce that our first video tutorial is finally live for our collaborators!  Jorge has put a great amount of time and effort in directing and recording this instructional video for our collaborators. With this video, we hope the users have enhanced learning experience in packing and assembling a 1-mm capillary cell for in-situ/operando XAS experiments. Please click the video below to watch.  The video can also be found under "Education & Outreach" page.
Video Tutorial
Co-ACCESS team had a fun and meaningful time volunteering at the 2024  SLAC Regional DOE Science Bowl event in February. On the day of the event, members of the Co-ACCESS team and Bare Group participated as a moderator, timekeeper, and scorekeeper.        Regional Science Bowl is a fast-paced question and answer competition among local Bay Area teams who are tested on a range of science disciplines including biology, chemistry, earth science, physics, energy and math. The...
Co-ACCESS group photo
  We are pleased to share our January 2024 newsletter with you. Please take a read to learn about the latest news from Co-ACCESS! The newsletter can be found in Semi-Annual Newsletter page (click).
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Our ACS Catalysis paper, "Limits of Detection for EXAFS Characterization of Heterogeneous Single-Atom Catalysts", has been featured in the latest issue of Advances in Engineering series!  The title of the research highlight is : Do you have a single atom catalyst or not – an EXAFS perspective Click the link to read the article!   Advances in Engineering series ( highlights papers of outstanding scientific significance to reach a broad science and...
Single Atom or Cluster?
We are excited to share the news that Sara Driscoll, our SULI intern for Summer 2023, is the second place national winner in the 2023 IGNITE Off! Competition. At this DOE-sponsored competition, Sara showcased her summer research work with Co-ACCESS at SSRL. Her project involved improving fluorescent detector setup times by making standards with known absorption characteristics to calibrate the detector before use. Please read this article to learn more this exciting news. ...
Sarah Driscoll