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  We are thrilled to announce that Rachita Rana, a final year graduate student at University of California at Davis, and co-advised by Simon R. Bare, and the developer of the automated workflow QuantEXAFS that uses high-throughput atomistic simulations to fit XAS data, recently participated in the Rising Stars in Chemical Engineering: An Academic Career Workshop for Women, held at MIT. This two-day workshop brought together top female doctoral students and postdoctoral...
Rachita Rana photo
  We are excited to share with you the next installment of our newsletter! The newsletter can be found in Semi-Annual Newsletter page (click).
Newsletter image
We have released an updated, non-python-based version of our X-ray sample mass calculator, CatMass! Jorge has taken the bones and functionality from Adam’s original release and created an installable program with expanded capabilities. The updated version now offers: Save/Open sample calculations Expanded energy ranges and sample geometries to calculate absorption cross sections Plot sample absorption and identify competing edges in energy and k-space Added functionality to...
CatMass Update logo
  As part of 2018 SSRL/LCLS Users' meeting, Co-ACCESS team organized a workshop titled “Catalysis by Single Metal Atoms: What is All the Fuss About.” This workshop provided a platform for discussion of the current state of our understanding of such catalysts for over 50 researchers who were attending.  Several key points of discussion were: How do you synthesize catalysts with only single atoms? How do you prove that you have only single atoms? What is the local geometry of...
2018 Users' meeting