Our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are comprised of employees all across the lab, from scientists to engineers to operations staff. These employees are members of one or more of the five current ERGs at SLAC:

Our goal is to raise awareness, build community and foster an inclusive culture here at SLAC. ERG leaders and members develop and drive actions for the following strategic pillars: Culture, outreach, and employee development, specifically in support of the diverse groups they represent. Each ERG includes an “executive sponsor(s)” for each group who are members of the senior management team at SLAC, reporting to our lab director. They also meet with senior leadership to share progress, challenges and concerns on behalf of the diverse employee populations they represent.
About this Site
This website is managed by the individual members of SLAC's ERGs. Information posted on the site may include the opinions of ERG members and does not necessarily reflect the official views of SLAC, the Department of Energy or Stanford University. Many of the links found here direct users to SLAC's employee intranet, where a login and password are required.