Our Mission Statement
The LGBTQ+ Community at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is committed to cultivating a welcoming culture and inclusive, safe environment for LGBTQ+ members, allies and advocates. Along with our senior leaders and members of human resources, we are developing strategies for further awareness and resolution to issues the LGBTQ+ community faces We are also promoting additional networking opportunities to attract more diversity to our lab.

Our Function at SLAC
The LGBTQ+ ERG is a resource to all employees at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory that raises awareness and represents the current and future needs of the Lab’s LGBTQ+ community. The LGBTQ+ ERG performs two basic functions:
- In relation to the Director’s Office and Senior Management team, the ERG serves as an advisory board or council to assist the Lab to align its equity, diversity, and inclusion agenda in accordance with priorities concerning its LGBTQ+ community
In relation to the Lab community at large, the ERG listens and gathers input from any Lab employee concerning LGBTQ+ issues and examine pathways of representing those issues and advocating for all its LGBTQ+ members
By enabling a facilitated communication between the Lab management and its employees, the ERG strives to raise Lab-wide awareness and advocate for LGBTQ+ members by promoting justice and equality, ending oppression and inequities, providing venues for voices in the community to be heard, and fostering mutual respect. The ERG also conducts outreach and research to promote education about LGBTQ+ issues, respond to community needs, and recommend positive changes to Lab policies.