DEI Office | ERG Retreat
On June 26th, the DEI+ Office is hosting our first annual ERG retreat.
Our goal is to create a space of learning, growth, and community for the ERGs.
Topics and Speakers:
Building Your ERG Budget:
Stephen Streiffer, Interim Lab Director
Dr. Shirley Everett, Stanford Senior Associate Vice President for RD&E
Resilience in Change Management:
Zoe Dunning, LGBTQ+ Activist and Educator
Making Your ERG Indispensable to the Labs' Mission:
Saurabh Anand, Chief Legal Counsel
John Connolly, Deputy Director for Operations
Afterwards, the DEI Office will be sponsoring an informal lunch for all retreat participants, plus the new interns and their mentors. Join this opportunity to welcome the interns to their first day at SLAC and familiarize them with our workforce!