SLAC Military Community Employee Resource Group Adopt Families of 483rd Transportation Battalion in Fairfield, CA for Holidays
Through a referral from a non-profit ally, Operation Care and Comfort, the SLAC Military Community Employee Resource Group were given the recent opportunity to support military children from the 483rd Transportation Battalion in Fairfield, CA. After many years, the families were able to hold a holiday party, thanks to Army Staff Sergeant Bernisha Garner. The party/dinner was held on Saturday, December 3rd at the American Armory Museum in Fairfield. The museum donated the venue and SLAC volunteers purchased 2 gifts per child, ranging in ages from years 1 through 16. In attendance were 18 children, 36 soldiers and 24 spouses & guests. Special thanks to our adopting “angels” from SLAC: Emily Chow, Hannah Derossett, Ryan Ford, Jan Gruenewald, Amy Lizarraga, JD McDaniel, Mike McDaniel, Stefanie Myhre, Cindy Patty, and Analisa Tan.
